new dawn fades is objectively the best joy division song, what do you mean you prefer love will tear us apart. you’re wrong.
my third (and hopefully final) package from japan came in and the trinket page has finally been updated, featuring new charms and buttons. all that's left is to scan the stickers. hopefully i'll get around to them soon, for all you sticker lovers out there.
i have a deep love of trinkets. i have a strong, greedy desire to acquire nice things but don't have room in my life for a lot. too much of anything makes me anxious, i'd rather only have things i can put in a small box and take with me wherever i go. this is unlikely to change anytime soon. i feel a constant longing to be somewhere else, not a thirst for adventure, quite the opposite. i dream of a place where everything feels right, where i could be content to stay still and to rest. i dream of getting some nice furniture, tableware and a whole library when i find a permanent home, but for now i'll have my trinkets.